Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I loved this

Hey guys! I read this on a blog recently, and it really made my day. I'm a sucker for memories-- enjoy!

Why Take Pictures

And because no blog post is complete without a photo, here's what we've been up to here lately. We've been learning more about our house that we purchased last year. It was built in 1890, and we found out this week that it was built and lived in by the MAYOR (1932-1934) of Lompoc. Here is a photo of Mr. Amos C. Whittemore and also our house back in 1925 during the day of the Great Jubilee in Lompoc celebrating the signing of the peace pact between Germany and the Allies, the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the town of Lompoc and the opening of the new modern paved highway (Harris Grade; which by the way, is the road that overlooks Lompoc, its quite amazing!! And old ;)

Amos C. Whittemore-- Builder of our home and Mayor of Lompoc

Our home now and then; on the top photo, you can see our house just to the left of the horse and buggy. On the bottom photo, that's the roof of our house just above the horses' backs.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty awesome, Melissa! Fun to have so much history in your home!
