Saturday, January 16, 2010

reynaldo [senior portraits]

Meet Reynaldo! For his senior portraits, Reynaldo selected a warm and incredibly sunny day in Santa Maria-- and I loved every minute of it!

A huge thanks to Reynaldo and his sister, Vanessa, for walking ALL over Waller Park with me. I had never photographed anyone there before, so this was an adventure I couldn't pass up! We definitely got our workouts in that day ;) Thanks for introducing me to my new favorite photo location you two!

Reynaldo, you looked great! We hope you have a very productive and FUN senior year. Good luck to you with all of your post-graduation plans!

All friends of Reynaldo, mention you heard it from him and receive $50 off your senior portrait session.

To view more photos of Reynaldo, click here.


  1. i love the lighting! and i'm in love with you official website!!

  2. love the flare! you know i am a sucker for sun flare! unfortunately you dont get much of that in hazy utah at this time of year :( oh and i love your new blog header too!!!
