Thursday, May 21, 2009

caroline & josh [5.9.09]

let me tell you a little story about some of the most amazing clients of all time.

it all started out on an amazingly beautiful day in May in Salt Lake City. Josh and Caroline emerged from the Salt Lake Temple with smiles on their faces so big you would think they had hangers stuck in their mouths. These two are so in love-- and it showed.

We started the photoshoot out by taking pictures of all of their family and friends that came to celebrate their special day with them, and then snuck off to take some photos of just the bride and groom.

I want to take the opportunity now to thank Josh and Caroline SO MUCH for inspiring us-- for letting us do what we love-- for trusting us with your day that only happens once. Thank you for being so cute together-- for being yourselves in front of the camera-- and for just being the incredible couple you are.

We had such a great time with the both of you and couldn't ask for better clients! Seriously. You rocked our world. We wish you nothing but the best in the future! Thank you for everything.

For all the blog readers out there, LOOK AT HOW AMAZING OUR CLIENTS ARE... Not only did they take the time out of their crazy newlywed lives to write us the sweetest thank you note ever (please read contents below :) but they also send us a Chili's gift card. Seriously?? We love these two. Thanks again Josh & Caroline!

There's actually a little story behind this tree-- BOTH Josh & Caroline's ancestors are responsible for this tree on Temple Square-- their ancestors donated this tree-- don't worry tho, Josh & Caroline aren't close relatives-- seriously :) Except for now! Yay for Mr. & Mrs. Cushing! So now all you other photographers officially know the story behind this incredibly popular photo spot!

again, the literal family tree :)

their reception was held in this neighborhood. These men rocked this shot.

helllooooo hot ladies.

Near the end of the Temple Square shoot, we ran into a couple of Josh's (and NOW Caroline's) relatives. Here's Caroline beating up on her new family member. What do I love most about this photo? The statue on the far right of the mom dancing so elegantly with her children vs. Caroline beating up on this dude. The contrast is tear-jerking :)

a mid-shoot dance shared between this lovely couple

"You two are amazing! I could go on for hours about how much Josh & I appreciate what you've done for us, but I'll just say a few of the reasons why I think you're so great. 1) You guys made sure we knew that it was our day and you were so accommodating to us. 2) You were so efficient. You are totally in charge of the situation, no matter what it is and that made everything run so smoothly. 3) Your talent is phenomenal. Really, phenomenal. There isn't a word out there to express how talented we believe you are! Thank you, so much. We are so grateful."   - Josh & Caroline

Again, Josh & Caroline, THANK YOU! You're the best!


  1. Could this couple be any more adorable?? I LOVE these pictures!! You did an awesome job!

  2. It was fun to meet you yesterday at the Manti temple! OK, so I love the whole "family tree" story/pictures, that's so cool! What a neat story they have to share with their future children.


    and Memorial day Shout out!
    THANK YOU FOR you and your hubby's service. "HUA!" even though memorial's day are to those who have sacrificed their life, but in some way or another, those in the armed forces have sacrificed some part of their lives, time, and etc.
    Just wanted to show our appreciation for you guys!

  4. thank you so much cristina! THEY WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER! Jessie, It was GREAT meeting you the other day! I can't wait to see your pics. And Princess, THANK YOU! You are so absolutely sweet. Thanks so much! :)

  5. No wonder they gave you such a nice Thank You- you did a wonderful job on their wedding! Great pictures, and cute couple- thanks for sharing the story of the tree too!

  6. So cute, look how happy they are... its awesome!! These pictures are great... Good work Melissa and congrates to the happily ever after couple, Josh and Caroline!!

  7. oh my gosh melissa these pictures are AMAZING! what a beautiful couple!

    i love all these poses & can't wait for you to do our wedding next friday!! :)

  8. Thank you so much Slagowski, Emily and C!!! You guys are sooooo sweet!!!! Emily thank you so much for helping me out the other day on the Manti wedding! You rock my world! And C!!! Your wedding is this weekend! Get ready to work it out for me :)

  9. Can I pay you to re-take our wedding photos? Your pictures get better and better! I love it!
