Wednesday, April 22, 2009

*on hold*

hey all! thanks so much for being amazing followers of our blog! we really appreciate your love and support! just so everyone is aware, the hubby and i are graduating tomorrow and friday so we will be super-dooper busy with family. but i just wanted to let everyone know that i have 4 blog posts i still need to post! 4!! i know, i'm so sorry, i'm awful. it's just been crazy. but keep your eyes peeled-- after this weekend, you may not be able to keep up with us >:)

until then, PLEASE feel free to comment on our past blog posts. seriously--even if we don't know you, we would LOVE to hear from you. we love love love comments. and we ain't too proud to beg. so do your thing and holla below.

talk to you again soon!


  1. That's so funny. I'm just like you when it comes to blog comments. I slyly mention it to family in conversation and then either thank them for the comments later or pout about not getting any. I'm working on being more internally motivated.

  2. hahaha yeah i feel physical pain when i don't get blog comments haha it's so weird!! but seriously, thanks for your comment! :) and PS. you guys are one of those 4 blog posts I still have yet to do, so I'll keep you posted! I'm so excited! Caleb is SO CUTE!

  3. Great job on graduating, I'm so dang proud of my little Melsa and Mattie.
