Thursday, March 19, 2009

insane? probably

as some of you may already know, i made a goal at the beginning of this year to run a marathon. i like to think i'm really intense and like to run, but in all reality, i don't enjoy it as much as some do. i feel awesome afterwards, but if you could hear what i'm saying in my head to myself while i'm running, i would probably not allowed to run near people :)

so anywho, after somebody who will not be named told me they didn't think i could do it, i decided that was it--i was going to do it!

my training started off awesome and after 2 months i was able to run 9 miles with no problem. this was a big feat for me since i couldn't even run a mile without wanting to die in december.

to seal the deal for my marathon, i started telling people, bought some very expensive running shoes, and signed myself up for a half marathon in april.

then midterms hit me hard at school and i stopped running for a MONTH! 31 days of no running! talk about the worst idea of all time...seriously.

my half marathon is officially in 2 weeks and i'm scared out of my mind. that's 13.1 miles. holy cow what was i thinking? i'm actually really excited too tho! that's halfway to my goal of 26.2 miles! yay!

anywho, my main objective of this post was to encourage you all to please please please come cheer and support me on april 4th at 8am (well...anytime between 8-11...i'm assuming it will take me about that long). if you would like to see the running area, google Provo City Half Marathon 2009.

Thanks everyone! wish me luck and keep me in your prayers. any and all support is much appreciated! guess i might as well hit the pavement right now while i'm thinking about it :)

much love!