Sunday, January 25, 2009

reasons I LOVE winter

Ok. So I really hate the cold. There's nothing worse than having to walk to class and being soaked and freezing by the time I get there. BUT isn't the snow so pretty!?

So I decided I can at least love winter for two reasons:

(there are probably a few more reasons, but these are the only two things I have some form of media for :)

1. The snow and ice make the trees look so elegant
2. My dogs LOVE playing in the snow...and that makes me laugh

Here are some random shots I got of the trees in my backyard along with some fun puppy play in the white stuff

Sorry, this one is a little dark and dreary but I thought it was a fun shot

Molly (2 years) is our white puppy, Lucy (7 months) is our black one. Lucy LOVES the snow so much. Check her out, she's like a dolphin in the snow! SO CUTE!


  1. so cute! savana loved watching your dog videos!

  2. haha thanks amanda. anything to please those two cuties of yours

  3. Love the detail shots! I always have to remind myself to see the little things...but your so good at it!

  4. Thanks so much Becky! Details are my fave haha hands down. Dorky, I know, but the best.

  5. Hey,You guys need some more pictures of your dogs! Photography is cool, but I wanna see some better pics of the Chinese dog! -Ben

  6. hahaha deal...but I'm a little afraid of becoming the crazy dog lady...its a very fine line.
